Bequests and Donations

Our goal is to provide a positive living experience every day for our residents. Like most health-related services, we receive Government funding and fees from residents to cover the basic care needs. To enhance the resident experience, we use cash donations to fund a variety of projects and activities that the residents have identified that would contribute to a great life.   

Some examples of our wish list include:

·       Undercover outdoor area

·       Expanded scooter storage shed

·       Craft and workshop shed

·       Bed and mattress replacement program

·       Ceiling tracks and hoists for lifting in each room

How to donate


There are several ways you can donate to Prom Country House


BSB: 633000

Account number: 131391062

Ref: Your first and Last Name
Cheque: A cheque can be mailed to PCAC 

PO Box 81, Foster 3960. 

Cash: Cash donations or cheques can be dropped into reception 

Receipts will be issued for tax purposes if requested.

How your donation will be used

PCAC is happy to direct your donation to an area of greatest impact. But if you would like to specify where you would like it directed, here are some items our residents and staff would benefit from:

 ·       Our bed replacement program

·       Ceiling tracks for lifting hoists in rooms

·       Creation of a men’s shed

·       A garden extension for residents including an undercover area

For a confidential discussion about your donation, please contact our reception team on (03) 5682 0800


Other ways you can support us

Please visit the Prom Community Op Shop at 78 Main Street, Foster

Prom Community Op Shop – 78 Main Street, Foster

Our op shop now has an online option also here: 

The op shop supports both Linton Court Independent Living Units and Prom Country Aged Care to provide accommodation options for older people.